Tables in catalog namespace.
Catalog account admins.
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.canvas_user_id (canvas.users | None) – The Canvas identifier of the user.
account_id (accounts | None) – The unique identifier of an account.
name (str | None) – The name of the admin.
email (str | None) – The email address of the admin.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
root_account_id (accounts | None) – The root account of the account. The unique identifier of an account.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was soft deleted.
Catalog accounts (known as catalogs and sub-catalogs).
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.parent_id (accounts | None) – The parent account of the account. The unique identifier of an account.
name (str | None) – The name of the account.
about (str | None) – The description of the the account.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
portal_path (str | None) – The URL/Path of the account.
canvas_domain (str | None) – The Canvas URL for the account.
type (str | None) – The type of the account: DomainAccount/PortalAccount.
settings (str | None) – The JSON representation of the account’s settings.
canvas_id (int64 | None) – The unique identifier of the Canvas account.
locale (str) – The locale setting of the account.
text_overrides (str | None) – The JSON representation of the text overrides for the account (for example: programs heading).
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
logo_file_name (str | None) – The filename of the account’s logo.
logo_content_type (str | None) – The content type of the account’s logo.
logo_file_size (int32 | None) – The file size of the account’s logo.
logo_updated_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when the account’s logo updated.
favicon_file_name (str | None) – The filename of the account’s favicon.
favicon_content_type (str | None) – The content type of the account’s favicon.
favicon_file_size (int32 | None) – The file size of the account’s favicon.
favicon_updated_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when the account’s favicon updated.
header_image_file_name (str | None) – The filename of the account’s header image.
header_image_content_type (str | None) – The content type of the account’s header image.
header_image_file_size (int32 | None) – The file size of the account’s header image.
header_image_updated_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when the account’s header image updated.
canvas_account_uuid (str | None) – The UUID of the Canvas account.
alias_path (str | None) – Alias path the account.
Applicants for a product’s wait list.
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.product_id (products | None) – The unique identifier of a product.
name (str | None) – The name of the applicant.
email (str | None) – The email address of the applicant.
canvas_user_id (canvas.users | None) – The identifier of the Canvas user.
notified_of_opening_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp when the applicant was notified about getting in for the product.
status (str | None) – The status of the application.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
token (str | None) – The token for identifying an applicant (used when the user wants leave the wait list).
activated (bool | None) – Indicates whether the user for the applicant is activated.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
Promotions applied in a bulk checkout transaction.
id (int64) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.bulk_checkout_id (int64 | None) – The unique identifier for a record.
promotion_id (promotions | None) – The promotion. The unique identifier of a promotion.
discount (Decimal | None) – The amount of the promotion discount in the bulk checkout.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
Bulk checkout transactions.
id (int64) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.canvas_user_id (canvas.users | None) – The Canvas identifier of the user.
product_id (products | None) – The product of the bulk checkout. The unique identifier of a product.
account_id (accounts | None) – The account of the bulk checkout. The unique identifier of an account.
order_id (orders | None) – The order of the bulk checkout. The unique identifier of an order.
seats (int32 | None) – Indicates how many seats purchased.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
checkout_time (datetime | None) – Timestamp of the bulk checkout.
Invitations that applied in a bulk checkout.
id (int64) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.order_item_id (order_items | None) – The order item for the invitation. The unique identifier of an order item.
product_id (products | None) – The product for the invitation. The unique identifier of a product.
email (str | None) – Email where the invitation sent.
code (str | None) – Code for the invitation.
status (str | None) – Status of the invitation.
invited_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp when the invitation sent.
revoked_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp when the invitation revoked.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
enrollment_id (enrollments | None) – The enrollment for the invitation. The unique identifier of an enrollment.
Promotions applied in a shopping cart transaction.
id (int64) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.cart_item_id (cart_items | None) – The cart item. The unique identifier of a cart item.
promotion_id (promotions | None) – The promotion. The unique identifier of a promotion.
discount (Decimal | None) – The amount of the promotion discount in the cart.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
Items in a shopping cart transaction.
id (int64) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.cart_id (carts | None) – The cart for the item. The unique identifier of a cart.
product_id (products | None) – The product for the cart. The unique identifier of a product.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
Represents a shopping cart transaction until the checkout.
id (int64) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.account_id (accounts | None) – The account for the cart. The unique identifier of an account.
canvas_user_id (canvas.users | None) – The Canvas identifier of the user.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
order_id (orders | None) – The order for the cart. The unique identifier of an order.
checkout_time (datetime | None) – Timestamp of the cart checkout.
root_account_id (accounts | None) – The root account for the cart. The unique identifier of an account.
Used to populate the list of filtering options for a given catalog. Basically a group for a given account or a tag.
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.account_id (accounts | None) – Unique identifier of the account this category belongs to.
group_id (int32 | None) – Unique identifier of the account or tag this category belongs to.
group_type (str | None) – The type of the group this category belongs to. Can be “Account” or “Tag”.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was last updated.
Templates for certificates.
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.account_id (accounts | None) – The account for the certificate template. The unique identifier of an account.
name (str | None) – Name of the template.
template (str | None) – Template String (not a YAML, regular Template String).
pdf_settings (str | None) – Settings JSON for the generated PDF (for example, orientation).
code (str | None) – Code of the template.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
Certificate that can be awarded for completing a product.
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.product_id (products | None) – Product for the certificate. The unique identifier of a product.
name (str | None) – Name of the certificate.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
old_template (str | None) – Leftover data that was used before the certificate_templates. Backward compatibility.
old_pdf_settings (str | None) – Leftover data that was used before the certificate_templates. Backward compatibility.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
certificate_template_id (certificate_templates | None) – The template for the certificate. The unique identifier of a certificate template.
active (bool) – Indicates whether the certificate active or not.
custom_template_id (certificate_templates | None) – The custom template for the certificate. The unique identifier of a certificate template.
days_to_expire (int32 | None) – Expiration time for the certificate.
expires_at (datetime | None) – Expiration date for the certificate.
Customized emails.
id (int64) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.account_id (accounts) – The account of the email. The unique identifier of an account.
email_type (str) – Type of the email.
draft (str | None) – JSON of the draft version.
published (str | None) – JSON of the published version.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
created_by (str) – Name of the creator.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
updated_by (str) – Name of the user who updated the custom email.
published_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of the publication.
published_by (str | None) – Name of the publisher.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
Email layouts.
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.account_id (accounts | None) – The account of the layout. The unique identifier of an account.
header (str | None) – Header of the email layout.
footer (str | None) – Footer of the email layout.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
Enrollment for a product (course or program).
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.canvas_user_id (canvas.users | None) – The Canvas identifier of the user.
product_id (products | None) – Product for the enrollment. The unique identifier of a product.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
root_program_id (products | None) – Product for the enrollment. The unique identifier of a product.
requirements_completed_at (datetime | None) – Completion time for the requirements.
ends_at (datetime | None) – End time for the enrollment.
external_id (canvas.enrollments | None) – External identifier for an enrollment (for example canvas course id).
status (str) – Status of the enrollment: active, dropped, concluded.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
last_sync_error (str | None) – The error of the last synchronization, if applicable.
order_item_id (order_items | None) – Order item of the enrollment. The unique identifier of an order item.
Promotions that has been applied on an order.
id (int64) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.order_item_id (order_items | None) – The unique identifier of an order item.
promotion_id (promotions | None) – The unique identifier of an promotion.
discount (Decimal | None) – Amount of discount which is applied to the product in the order.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
Order item for a product.
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.order_id (orders | None) – The unique identifier of an order.
item_id (products | None) – The unique identifier of a product.
amount (Decimal | None) – Product quantity price.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was soft deleted.
discounted_amount (Decimal | None) – Product quantity price with discounts.
quantity (int32) – Product quantity.
unit_price (Decimal | None) – Single product price.
Order for a product.
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.account_id (accounts | None) – The unique identifier of an account.
canvas_user_id (canvas.users | None) – The Canvas identifier of the user.
email (str | None) – Email of the user for the order.
name (str | None) – Name of the user for the order.
total (Decimal | None) – Total price of the order.
currency (str | None) – Currency of the order.
purchased_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when an order was purchased.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
full_id (str | None) – Full id of the order with account order id prefix.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was soft deleted.
source (str | None) – Source from which order was created.
user_id (users | None) – The unique identifier of an user.
Payment information for an order.
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.order_id (orders | None) – The order of the payment. The unique identifier of an order.
reference_id (str | None) – Reference identifier used to find payment.
amount (Decimal | None) – The amount of money paid.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
status (str | None) – Status of the payment.
purchase_params (str | None) – Purchase parameters from the Payment Redirector for the payment.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
Images for a product.
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.product_id (products | None) – The product for the image The unique identifier of an order.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
image_file_name (str | None) – The file name of the image.
image_content_type (str | None) – The content type of the image.
image_file_size (int32 | None) – The file size of the image.
image_updated_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when the image updated.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
Associative table between products and tags.
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.product_id (products | None) – The unique identifier of a product.
tag_id (tags | None) – The unique identifier of a tag.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was soft updated.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was soft deleted.
A product that can be a course or a program. A program contains multiple courses or programs.
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.visibility (str | None) – Visibility of the product.
enrollment_open (bool) – Indicates whether the enrollment is open for the product.
title (str | None) – Title of the product.
start_date (datetime | None) – Start time of the product.
end_date (datetime | None) – End time of the product.
description (str | None) – Description of the product.
enrollment_fee (Decimal) – Price of the product.
canvas_course_id ( | None) – Course identifier of the Catalog course in the Canvas account.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
path (str | None) – Portal path for the product.
account_id (accounts | None) – The account for the product. The unique identifier of an account.
list_order (int32 | None) – Order number in the product list (for custom product ordering).
type (str | None) – Type of the product.
teaser (str | None) – Teaser of the product.
owner_id (int32 | None) – Who is offering the course/program (may be different than account).
canvas_section_id (int64 | None) – Id of the section for the Catalog course in the Canvas account.
sequential (bool) – Indicates whether the program is sequential (courses should be completed in order).
days_to_complete (int32 | None) – Days to complete the product.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
enrollment_cap (int32 | None) – Enrollment cap for the product.
waitlist (bool) – Indicates whether wait-list is available for the product.
credits (Decimal | None) – Credit number for the product.
waitlist_cap (int32 | None) – Wait-list cap for the product.
sku (str | None) – SKU of a product.
show_free_banner (bool) – Option to remove the free banner from product.
image_alt_text (str | None) – Alt text for the product’s image.
external_redirect_url (str | None) – External redirect URL for the product (after enrollment a logged in user will be redirected here).
allowed_payment_types (str) – Allowed payment types for the product (can be standard or purchase_order).
workflow_state (str) – Workflow state of the product.
workflow_state_timestamp (datetime) – Timestamp when the workflow state changed.
detail_code (str | None) – Detail code of the product.
bulk_purchase_disabled (bool) – Bulk purchase enabled or disabled for the product.
enrollment_open_from (datetime | None) – The start of the product’s enrollment period.
enrollment_open_to (datetime | None) – The end of the product’s enrollment period.
Requirements of a program to complete. It can have a number of courses / programs as requirements.
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.program_id (products | None) – The program that has a requirement. The unique identifier of a program.
product_id (products | None) – The product that the program has as a requirement. The unique identifier of a product.
sequence (int32 | None) – Sequence number of this requirement (scoped to program id).
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
Promotions that can be applied on order.
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.account_id (accounts | None) – The unique identifier of an account.
product_id (products | None) – The unique identifier of a product.
amount (Decimal | None) – The amount of discount the promotion gives.
discount_type (str | None) – Type of the promotion discount, Can be: flat, percent.
code (str | None) – The code of the promotion.
name (str | None) – The name of the promotion.
description (str | None) – The description of this promotion.
active (bool) – Indicates whether the promotion is active.
start_date (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when the promotion will start working.
end_date (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when the promotion will cease working.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was last updated.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was soft deleted.
usage_type (str) – Usage type of the promotion code. Can be: once-per-user, unlimited.
A tag for filtering products.
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.account_id (accounts | None) – The unique identifier of an account.
name (str | None) – The name of the tag.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was last updated.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was soft deleted.
A theme belonging to an account or product.
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a (str | None) – The name of the theme.
css_content (str | None) – The content of the CSS file.
themeable_type (str | None) – The type of theme-able where the theme belongs.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
js_content (str | None) – The content of the Javascript file.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
js_file_name (str | None) – The name of the Javascript file.
js_content_type (str | None) – The content type of the Javascript file.
js_file_size (int32 | None) – The size of the Javascript file.
js_updated_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when the Javascript file updated.
css_file_name (str | None) – The name of the CSS file.
css_content_type (str | None) – The type of the CSS file.
css_file_size (int32 | None) – The size of the CSS file.
css_updated_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp when the CSS file updated.
Custom fields for the user to submit at registration.
id (int32) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a (str | None) – The name of the field.
label (str | None) – The label of the field.
field_type (str) – The type of the field.
required (bool) – Indicates whether the user defined field is required.
required_message (str | None) – The required message for the field.
account_id (accounts | None) – The account where the user registered. The unique identifier of an account.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
list_order (int32 | None) – The order number for the field.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
Users of the Catalog’s (sub)account.
id (int64) –
primary key
The unique identifier for a record.root_account_id (accounts) – The root account of the account where the user registered. The unique identifier of an account.
canvas_user_id (canvas.users) – The Canvas identifier of the user.
registered_account_id (accounts | None) – The account where the user registered. The unique identifier of an account.
user_name (str | None) – The name of the user.
email_address (str | None) – The email address of the user.
custom_fields (str) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
created_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was created.
updated_at (datetime) – Timestamp of when a record was updated.
time_zone (str | None) – The time zone setting of the user.
merged_into_user_id (users | None) – The user where the user merged into. The unique identifier of an user.
deleted_at (datetime | None) – Timestamp of when a record was deleted.
Last updated
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