dap initdb

Import a full snapshot of a table into a database.

The dap initdb command automatically fetches the schema and data from DAP, connects to your specified database, creates the necessary table based on the schema, and inserts the data into the table. This process simplifies the initialization of a database with DAP data.

Type juggling is not supported. The data types specified in the schema from the DAP API must be strictly followed during table creation and data insertion.


dap [arguments] initdb [flags]


--base-url <string> URL to the DAP API endpoint: https://api-gateway.instructure.com. Skip, if DAP_API_URL environment variable is set.

--client-id <string> Client ID obtained from the Identity Service. Skip, if DAP_CLIENT_ID environment variable is set.

--client-secret <string> Client Secret obtained from the Identity Service. Skip, if DAP_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable is set.


--namespace <string> Specifies the data source (namespace). Available options: {canvas, canvas_log, catalog}.

--table <string> Specifies the table fetch data from.

--connection-string <string> The connection string used to connect to the target database. It must follow RFC 3986 format: dialect://username:password@host:port/database. Skip, if DAP_CONNECTION_STRING environment variable is set.

Inherited Flags

-h, --help Displays help information for the command.


Get a snapshot of the courses table from the canvas namespace and insert into your database $ dap initdb --namespace canvas --table courses

Same example with the connection string defined in the command $dap initdb --namespace canvas --table courses --connection-string postgresql://scott:password@server.example.com/testdb

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