
Everything about namespaces, tables, and schemas.

Data replication in Data Access Platform (DAP) is based on tables. You can synchronize the state of each table individually with the data stored in DAP.

Tables are organized into namespaces. For example, the Canvas tables assignments, content_tags or submissions are in the namespace canvas. The table web_logs is in the namespace canvas_logs. Other products have their own namespace, e.g. catalog.

Disclaimer: The data is a best effort attempt, and is not guaranteed to be complete or wholly accurate. This data is meant to be used for rollups and analysis in the aggregate, not in isolation for auditing, or other high-stakes analysis involving examining single users or small samples. Canvas logs data is generated from the Canvas logs files, not a transactional database, there are many places along the way data can be lost and/or duplicated (though uncommon). Additionally, given the size of this data, our processes ensure that errors can be rectified at any point in time, with corrections integrated as soon as they are identified and processed.

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