

External tools can be associated with Canvas assignments so that students are able to experience an integrated offering of the tool. Tools can also leverage LTI services to return submissions and/or scores back to the Canvas gradebook.

The specifics for how grading is achieved depend on the LTI version being used:

Tools become associated with Canvas assignments either through the UI duringassignment creation, or by the tool using theLine Items Service to create assignments.

If configured in via the Canvas UI, Course Designers (Admins/Instructors) will see a submission type called "External Tool" during assignment creation where they can select a tool configuration to use for the assignment. Theassignment_selection placement is often used in conjunction with thedeep linking specification to allow an Instructor or Course Designer to launch out to the tool and select a specific resource to be associated to the assignment. When students view the assignment, instead of seeing a standard Canvas assignment they'll see the tool loaded in an iframe on the page.

LTI Advantage: Assignment and Grading Services

LTI 1.3 tools can be configured to have access to theAssignment and Grading Services (AGS). Assignment and Grading Services are a powerful way for tools to interact with the LMS gradebook to save time for instructors and students.

Some examples of use cases that are uniquely solvable using AGS that were not resolvable by the LTI 1.1 Outcomes Service include:

  • External tools can return scores for assignments without the need of students ever accessing the tool.

  • Using the Line Items service tools can create columns to store grades in the gradebook without the need for instructors to manually create them usingdeep linking and the assignment_selection placement.

  • Previously returned scores can be cleared out.

In addition to permitting these use cases, many more use cases are described in the IMS LTI Advantage Implementation Guide.


To configure an LTI 1.3 tool that has access to AGS, anLTI Developer Key must be created with the desired scopes enabled. This can either be done via the "Manual" method, or by providing raw JSON or a secure URL that hosts JSON. A full list and description of available scopes is described in the AGS documentation.

For example, the following JSON would create an LTI 1.3 tool that has access to read and write scores, check for existing scores, and manage line items (ex. assignments) that are associated with the tool:

  "title": "Cool AGS Tool ",
  "scopes": [
  "extensions": [
      "domain": "",
      "tool_id": "ags-tool-123",
      "platform": "",
      "settings": {
        "text": "Cool AGS Text",
        "icon_url": "https://some.icon.url",
        "placements": [
            "text": "Embed Tool Content as a Canvas Assignment",
            "enabled": true,
            "icon_url": "https://some.icon.url",
            "placement": "assignment_selection",
            "message_type": "LtiDeepLinkingRequest",
            "target_link_uri": "https://your.target_link_uri/deeplinkexample"
  "public_jwk": {
    "kty": "RSA",
    "alg": "RS256",
    "e": "AQAB",
    "kid": "8f796169-0ac4-48a3-a202-fa4f3d814fcd",
    "n": "nZD7QWmIwj-3N_RZ1qJjX6CdibU87y2l02yMay4KunambalP9g0fU9yZLwLX9WYJINcXZDUf6QeZ-SSbblET-h8Q4OvfSQ7iuu0WqcvBGy8M0qoZ7I-NiChw8dyybMJHgpiP_AyxpCQnp3bQ6829kb3fopbb4cAkOilwVRBYPhRLboXma0cwcllJHPLvMp1oGa7Ad8osmmJhXhM9qdFFASg_OCQdPnYVzp8gOFeOGwlXfSFEgt5vgeU25E-ycUOREcnP7BnMUk7wpwYqlE537LWGOV5z_1Dqcqc9LmN-z4HmNV7b23QZW4_mzKIOY4IqjmnUGgLU9ycFj5YGDCts7Q",
    "use": "sig"
  "description": "1.3 Test Tool",
  "target_link_uri": "https://your.target_link_uri",
  "oidc_initiation_url": "https://your.oidc_initiation_url"

NOTE: Using AGS does not require configuration of any specific placements, so the placement(s) here could be any placement(s).

Available Services

Canvas supports the following AGS services:

Accessing AGS

Before a tool can run AGS requests, it must be available in the course that it wishes to interact with, and also complete theOAuth2 Client Credentials grant to obtain an access token. This covered in depth in the IMS LTI Security Framework, SEC 4.

Request Throttling

Like all requests made to the Canvas API, AGS requests are throttled (see theThrottling docs for details) to ensure that Canvas stays up and running. Unlike normal API requests which are made with a token specific to a user, AGS tokens are specific to a tool installation for a Course or an Account, and so there is the possibility of many more requests in a short amount of time. As long as you as a tool provider keep requests more-or-less sequential, and pay attention to the request throttling headers as detailed in the above doc, even this elevated level of requests per token should not be limited.

Common Error Codes

Below are some common error codes that you might encounter while using the Assignment and Grade Services API. Each code also comes with some advice for fixing your issue.

Associated Message


<parameter> is missing

Ensure you're passing all required parameters


Provided timestamp of <timestamp> not a valid timestamp

Ensure you're passing a correctly formatted, valid timestamp


Provided timestamp of <timestamp> before last updated timestamp of <timestamp>

Ensure the timestamp you're passing isn't before when the result was last updated


Provided submitted_at timestamp of <timestamp> in the future

Ensure the provided timestamp isn't too far in the future


Invalid Developer Key

Ensure your credentials point to the correct developer key and that the key is on


Access Token not linked to a Tool associated with this Context

Ensure that your tool is installed and available in the specified context


The specified resource does not exist.

Verify that the course, resource link, line item, or any other such resource that you're specifying exists


Context not found

Ensure that the context you're specifying actually exists.


Tool does not have permission to view line_item

Ensure the specified line item is associated with your tool


The specified LTI link ID is not associated with the line item

Ensure the resourceLinkId you're passing is associated with this line item


This course has concluded. AGS requests will no longer be accepted for this course.

Reopen the specified course or stop sending requests for this course


User not found in course or is not a student

Ensure the user you're specifying exists or is a student


ScoreMaximum must be greater than or equal to 0

Ensure you're passing a valid value for ScoreMaximum


ScoreMaximum not supplied when ScoreGiven present

Ensure you're providing a ScoreMaximum in any request with a ScoreGiven


Content items must be provided with submission type 'online_upload'

Ensure you specify the correct submission type when providing submission files


The maximum number of allowed attempts has been reached for this submission

Add additional attempts or stop sending submission requests for the specified student


Canvas has extended several AGS endpoints to support deeper grading integrations. Here, we will focus on these extensions and describe how tools can be configured to leverage AGS in Canvas.

Line Item Extension: Creating deep linked assignments

The Line Item service has been extended to allow an external tool to not only create gradebook columns (i.e. assignments) in Canvas, but also connect the column/assignment to a specific LTI resource on the external tool. This means that when the student accesses the assignment from Canvas, they are able to see the external tool content directly in the page, complete their assessment on the tool side, and have grades returned without the instructor having to manually create assignments in Canvas.

This also allows tools to introduce new workflows, such as allowing instructors to launch from a Course Navigation Placement, select multiple resources, and import them into their course.

Score Extension: Creating submission data

The Score service has been extended to allow an external tool to submission data back to the Canvas Gradebook. This data is then exposed in the Submission Details and SpeedGrader Views so that both students and teachers can see what was submitted to the external tool without leaving Canvas. Support for basic urls, text, and LTI links are supported.

LTI 1.1 Grade Passback Tools

Tools can know that they have been launched in a graded context because additional parameters are sent across when a student accesses the external tool assignment. Specifically, the lis_outcome_service_url andlis_result_sourced_id are sent as specified in the LTI 1.1 specification. Grades are passed back to Canvas from the tool's servers using theoutcomes component of LTI 1.1. Notably, one of the major limitations of the LTI 1.1 Outcomes Service is the inability of tools to return grades before a student accesses the assignment from Canvas. If this functionality is desirable, you should upgrade to LTI Advantage's Assignment and Grading Services.

Note that in the past Canvas would return a 200 HTTP response code, even if the XML in the body of the response indicated failure. This behavior has changed, and now if the imsx_codeMajor in the XML response is not success, then Canvas will return a 422 (Unprocessable Entity) HTTP response code.

Data Return Extension

Canvas sends an extension parameter for assignment launches that allows the tool provider to pass back values as submission text in canvas. The key is ext_outcome_data_values_accepted and the value is a comma separated list of types of data accepted. The currently available data types are url and text. The added launch parameter will look like this:


Returning Data Values from Tool Provider

If the external tool wants to supply these values, it can augment the POX sent with the grading value. LTI replaceResult POX

Only one type of resultData should be sent, if multiple types are sent the tool consumer behavior is undefined and is implementation-specific. Canvas will take the text value and ignore the url value if both are sent.


Add a resultData node with a text node of plain text in the same encoding as the rest of the document within it like this:

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<imsx_POXEnvelopeRequest xmlns="">
          <!-- Added element -->
            <text>text data for canvas submission</text>


Add a resultData node with a url node within it like this:

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<imsx_POXEnvelopeRequest xmlns="">
          <!-- Added element -->

LTI Launch URL

Add a resultData node with a ltiLaunchUrl node like this:

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<imsx_POXEnvelopeRequest xmlns="">
          <!-- Added element -->

Total Score Return Extension

Canvas sends an extension parameter for assignment launches that allows the tool provider to pass back a raw score value instead of a percentage. The key is ext_outcome_result_total_score_accepted and the value is true. The added launch parameter will look like this:


Returning Total Score from Tool Provider

If the external tool wants to supply this value, it can augment the POX sent with the grading value. LTI replaceResult POX

Simply add a node called resultTotalScore instead of resultScore. If both are sent, then resultScore will be ignored. The textString value should be an Integer or Float value.

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<imsx_POXEnvelopeRequest xmlns="">
          <!-- Added element -->

Submission Details Return Extension

Canvas sends an extension parameter for assignment launches that allows the tool provider to pass back submission metadata not directly related to the result.

Details about the submission the external tool wants to supply should augment the POX sent with the grading value. LTI replaceResult POX Simply add a node called submissionDetails to the replaceResultRequest node. Any data regarding the submission that is not related directly to the result will be included in this node.

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<imsx_POXEnvelopeRequest xmlns="">
      <!-- Added element -->

Submission Submitted At Timestamp Extension

Canvas sends an extension parameter for assignment launches that allows the tool provider to pass back the submission submitted at timestamp. The key is ext_outcome_submission_submitted_at_accepted and the value is true. The added launch parameter will look like this:


Submission Submitted At Timestamp from Tool Provider

If the external tool wants to supply this value, it can augment the POX sent with the submission submitted at value. LTI replaceResult POX

Simply add a node called submittedAt to the submissionDetails node. The text string must be an iso8601 formatted timestamp. If included, then it will override any existing submitted_at value on the submission even when result score or result total score are not present.

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<imsx_POXEnvelopeRequest xmlns="">
        <!-- Added element -->

Submission Prioritize Non-tool Grade from Tool Provider

If an external tool wants to honor/preserve any grading done in Canvas by a human, it can augment the POX sent with a prioritize non-tool grade tag.

Simply add a node called prioritizeNonToolGrade to the submissionDetails node. The tag expects no data, just its presence is all that is required for Canvas. If included, any grading done by something other than an LTI tool will be preserved.

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<imsx_POXEnvelopeRequest xmlns="">
        <!-- Added element -->

Submission Needs Additional Review

If an external tool wants to tell canvas that grading isn't final and additional review is needed by the instructor, it can augment the POX sent with the needs additional review grade tag.

Simply add a node called needsAdditionalReview to the submissionDetails node. The tag expects no data, just its presence is all that is required for Canvas. If included, the Canvas gradebook will signal to the teacher additional grading action is needed.

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<imsx_POXEnvelopeRequest xmlns="">
        <!-- Added element -->

This documentation is generated directly from the Canvas LMS source code, available on Github.

Last updated

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