Last updated 11 months ago
Was this helpful?
curl -L \ --url ''
{ "orgs": [ { "sourcedId": "text", "status": "text", "dateLastModified": "2025-02-20T18:48:56.126Z", "metadata": {}, "name": "text", "type": "text", "identifier": "text", "parent": { "href": "text", "sourcedId": "text", "type": "text" }, "children": [ { "href": "text", "sourcedId": "text", "type": "text" } ] } ] }
sourcedId of the org to get
curl -L \ --url '{id}'
{ "org": { "sourcedId": "text", "status": "text", "dateLastModified": "2025-02-20T18:48:56.126Z", "metadata": {}, "name": "text", "type": "text", "identifier": "text", "parent": { "href": "text", "sourcedId": "text", "type": "text" }, "children": [ { "href": "text", "sourcedId": "text", "type": "text" } ] } }
curl -L \ --url ''
sourcedId of the School to get
curl -L \ --url '{id}'
curl -L \ --url ''
{ "enrollments": [ { "sourcedId": "text", "status": "text", "dateLastModified": "2025-02-20T18:48:56.126Z", "metadata": {}, "user": { "href": "text", "sourcedId": "text", "type": "text" }, "class": { "href": "text", "sourcedId": "text", "type": "text" }, "school": { "href": "text", "sourcedId": "text", "type": "text" }, "role": "text", "primary": true, "beginDate": "2025-02-20", "endDate": "2025-02-20" } ] }
sourcedId of the enrollment to get
curl -L \ --url '{id}'
{ "enrollment": { "sourcedId": "text", "status": "text", "dateLastModified": "2025-02-20T18:48:56.126Z", "metadata": {}, "user": { "href": "text", "sourcedId": "text", "type": "text" }, "class": { "href": "text", "sourcedId": "text", "type": "text" }, "school": { "href": "text", "sourcedId": "text", "type": "text" }, "role": "text", "primary": true, "beginDate": "2025-02-20", "endDate": "2025-02-20" } }
curl -L \ --url ''
{ "academicSessions": [ { "sourcedId": "text", "status": "text", "dateLastModified": "2025-02-20T18:48:56.126Z", "metadata": {}, "title": "text", "startDate": "2025-02-20", "endDate": "2025-02-20", "type": "text", "parent": { "href": "text", "sourcedId": "text", "type": "text" }, "schoolYear": "text", "children": [ { "href": "text", "sourcedId": "text", "type": "text" } ] } ] }
sourcedId of the term to get
curl -L \ --url '{id}'
{ "academicSession": { "sourcedId": "text", "status": "text", "dateLastModified": "2025-02-20T18:48:56.126Z", "metadata": {}, "title": "text", "startDate": "2025-02-20", "endDate": "2025-02-20", "type": "text", "parent": { "href": "text", "sourcedId": "text", "type": "text" }, "schoolYear": "text", "children": [ { "href": "text", "sourcedId": "text", "type": "text" } ] } }
curl -L \ --url ''
sourcedId of the academic session to get
curl -L \ --url '{id}'
curl -L \ --url ''
sourcedId of the grading period to get
curl -L \ --url '{id}'
curl -L \ --url ''
{ "courses": [ { "sourcedId": "text", "status": "text", "dateLastModified": "2025-02-20T18:48:56.126Z", "metadata": {}, "title": "text", "schoolYear": { "href": "text", "sourcedId": "text", "type": "text" }, "courseCode": "text", "grades": [ "text" ], "subjects": [ "text" ], "subjectCodes": [ "text" ], "resources": [ { "href": "text", "sourcedId": "text", "type": "text" } ] } ] }
sourcedId of the course to get
curl -L \ --url '{id}'
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curl -L \ --url ''
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sourcedId of the class to get
curl -L \ --url '{id}'
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curl -L \ --url ''
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sourcedId of the user to get
curl -L \ --url '{id}'
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curl -L \ --url ''
sourcedId of the teacher to get
curl -L \ --url '{id}'
sourcedId of the school to get teachers
curl -L \ --url '{schoolId}/teachers'
curl -L \ --url ''
sourcedId of the student to get
curl -L \ --url '{id}'
sourcedId of the school to get students
curl -L \ --url '{schoolId}/students'